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Jumamosi, 3 Desemba 2016



1.Siagi Robo kilo(1/4 Kg)
  1/4Kg Butter

2.Sukari Robo kilo(1/4 Kg)
 1/4 Kg Sugar

3.Unga Robo kilo(1/4 Kg)
 1/4 Kg Plain Purpose Flour

4.Mayai 6
 6 Eggs

5.Arki Vanilla Kijiko cha chai 1
 1 Tea Spoon Vanilla Essence

6.Cocoa Vijiko vya Chakula 3
 3 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

7.Baking Powder Kijiko Cha Chakula 1
 1 Tbsp Baking Powder

8.Chungwa 1
 1 Orange

7.Maganda ya Chungwa Kijiko Cha Chakula 1
 1 Tbsp Orange Zest

8.Chumvi Kiduchu
 Pinch of Salt

9.Fruit Cake Kikombe Cha Chai Nusu(Sio Lazima)
 1/2 Cup Fruit Cake(Optional)

10.Juisi ya Chungwa Vijiko 3
 3 Tbsp Lemon Juice


1.Chekecha unga kwenye bakuli kisha weka chumvi na baking powder na uchanganye vizuri kwa mwiko
 In a bowl sift the flour then add baking powder and salt,mix them very well by using spartula

2.Osha chungwa vizuri kasha lipare kwa kipario ili upate maganda yake kijiko kimoja
 Wash an orange then grate it till you get one spoon of its zest

3.Weka maganda ya chungwa na Fruit Cake kwenye ungana uchanganye tena vizuri
 Add the orange zest and Fruit Cake in a bowl of flour and mix them very well

4.Weka sukari na siagi kwenye bakuli jengine
  In a separate bowl add sugar and butter

5.Saga mchanganyiko wako kiasi cha dakika 3
 Beat the mixture for atleast 3 minutes

6.Weka Vanilla endelea kusaga kiasi cha dakika 2
 Then add vanilla and keep beating the mixture for 2 minutes

7.Weka mayai yako moja moja mpaka yamalize huku ukiendelea kusaga
 Add the eggs one by one until you complete them alland keep beating the mixture

8.Weka juice ya chungwa kisha saga tena kidogo
 Add lemon juice and keep beating the mixture

9.Malizia kuweka unga kidogo kidogo mpaka umalize wotehuku ukisaga
 Lastly add flour little by little till it finish and beat your mixture

10.Chukua bakuli chota mchanganyiko wako weka miko 3
 In a small bowl add your butter mixture atleast 3 spatula of it

11.Kisha weka cocoa kwenye kibakuli uloweka mchanganyiko wako changanya vizuri kwa kijiko kikubwa
  Add cocoa in that mixture and mix it well by using table spoon

12.Washa Jiko la Umeme moto wa nyuzi joto 160
 Pre heat the oven 160’C

13.Chukua trei weka karatasi ya kupikia
 In a tray add baking paper

14.Kisha Anza kuweka mchanganyiko mweupe na kati weka wa cocoa kasha malizia mweupe
  Start to add white butter mixture and the cocoa mixture at the middle and the white mixture on top


1.Weka trei jikoni kwa muda wa dakika 50 ndio fungua jiko na tizama keki yako
 Bake the cake for 50 minutes then  open the oven to check it

2.Ingiza kijiti kisafi kwenye sehemu mbali mbali za keki yako kuangalia kama imeiva
 Insert the tooth pick in the cake to check if it is cooked well and done

3.Ikiwa kijiti kitatoka na umaji maji basi keki yako bado rudisha jikoni
 If the tooth pick seems to be wet the cake its not yet cooked return it in the oven

4.Kijiti kikitoka kikavu zima jiko toa keki wacha ipoe
 If the spoon comes dry switch off the oven and remove the cake let it cool

5.Ikipoa toa kwenye trei na ikate vipande tayari kuliwa na kinywaji upendacho
 When it is cool cut it into pieces and serve with any drink you prefer

1.Hakikisha unafata vipimo sahihi vya unga,siagi,sukari,baking powder na mayai ili upate keki nzuri
  Make sure you use appropriate measurement of butter,sugar,plain purpose flour,baking powder and eggs for best result of the cake

2.Ukikosea vipimo vya keki hupelekea kutoiva au kuwa ngumu
 When the cake ingeredients are misused may not give you soft cake or it may not cooked evenly

3.Kuwa makini na jiko lako kama lina moto mkali tumia nyuzi joto ambazo hazitounguza keki yako
  You know well your Oven so make sure you set appropriate Degrees that may not burn the cake

4.Tumia Chombo ambacho mchanganyiko wa keki hautojaa mpaka juu ili ipate nafasi ya kuiva vizuri kwani ikipata joto hufura na huweza kupelekea mchanganyiko ukamwagika kabla ya kuiva
 Use the tray that has enough space that may not lead the cake mixture to rise and comes out when it is heated

5.Unaweza kupika kwa kutumia mkaa pia
 You can even bake by using charcoal

6.Hakikisha hukati keki yako mpaka ipoe inaweza kupelekea kukatika katika
 Make sure you do not cut your cake if it is not cool enough

7.Keki inaweza kukaa mpaka siku 3 mpaka 4 kwenye mazingira ya joto na siku 6 mpaka 7 kwenye mazingira ya baridi bila kuharibika
 The cake can stay up to 3 to 4 days in hot areas and 6 to 7 days in cold areas

Furahia Keki Yako.

Jumatano, 23 Novemba 2016


1.Maharage 1/4 Kg
  1/4 Kg Fresh Beans

2.Tui Jepesi Kikombe Kikubwa 1
  1 Mug Light Coconut Milk

3.Tui Zito 1/4 Kikombe
  1/4 Mug Heavy Coconut Milk

4.Kitunguu thomu Kilotwangwa kijiko cha chai 1
  1 Tea spoon Mashed garlic

5.Kitunguu maji kilokatwa 1
  1 Sliced Onion

6.Pilipili boga ilokatwa 1
  1 Sliced Green pepper

7.Kerot Iloparwa 1
  1 Grated Carrot

8.Chumvi kijiko cha chakula 1
  1 Tbsp Salt

9.Mafuta ya Kula vijiko 2
  2 Tbsp Cooking Oil

10.Royco Kijiko Cha Chakula 1
  1 Tbsp Royco

11.Nyanya zilizo sagwa 3
  3 Blended Tomato

12.Maji ya kuchemshia Kiasi
   Water for Boiling

1.Safisha maharage ondoa uchafu wote na yaoshe vizuri
  Remove all unwanted particle in beans then wash them well

2.Weka kwenye sufuria kisha yaweke maji
  Add them into cooking pot and pour some water

1.Funika sufuria kisha chemsha maharage mpaka maji yapungue
  Cover the pot and bring them to boil till the water level decrease

2.Ongeza maji mengine yaache yachemke mpaka yapungue
  Pour some water and let them boil till the water level falls down

3.Sasa weka maji kidogo kidogo yasifunike maharage yako ili yaive bila ya kutoka magamba
  Add some little water make sure the water level do not cover the beans

4.Endelea kuongeza maji kidogo kidogo mpaka yaive
  Keep adding some water until cooked

5.Katika sufuria nyengine weka mafuta acha yapate moto
    In another pot add oil and let it heat for a minute

6.Weka vitunguu maji vikaange hakikisha haviungui
  Add onion and fry them till brown make sure they are not get burnt

7.Ongeza Pilipili boga na ikaange vizuri
  Add green pepper and keep frying

8.Weka Kerot endelea kukaanga
  Add grated carrots and keep frying

10.Mwisho weka kitunguu thomu na endelea kukaanga
 Lastly add garlic and keep frying

11.Mimina nyanya zilizo sagwa kisha koroga mchanganyiko wako
   Pour the blended tomato and stir your mixture

12.Weka chumvi na royco kisha funika acha ichemke kwa dakika 1
  Add salt and royco and let it boil for 1 minute

13.Mimina maharage yaache kwa dakika 1
  Add cooked beans and let it boil for 1 minute

14.Kisha mimina tui jepesi acha lichemke kwa dakika 3
   Pour light coconut milk and let it boil for 3 minutes

15.Mimina tui zito kisha yakoroge maharage yako kidogo acha lichemke kwa dakika 2
  Pour heavy coconut milk and stir the mixture and let it boil for 2 minutes

16.Epua acha kiasi cha dakika 5 ndio uyapakue
   Remove from the heat and let them cool for atleast 5 minutes before serve

17.Unaweza kula na wali,ugali au mikate
  You can serve with rice,ugali or bread.

1.Hakikisha maharage yanaiva vizuri kabla ya kuyapika na bila kubanduka maganda
  Make sure the beans are boiled well without removing its cover before frying them

2.Ili maharage yawe mazito hakikiksha yanapoa kidogo ndio uyapakue
  In order to get heavy sauce let them cool before serve them

Furahia Maharage Yako

Alhamisi, 3 Novemba 2016


1.Unga wa Ngano 550gm
  Plain Purpose Flour 550gm

2.Maziwa 300ml
 Milk 300ml

3.Sukari Vijiko 4
 Sugar 4 Tbsp

4.Hamira Vijiko 2
  Yeast 2 Tbsp

5.Chumvi Kijiko Cha Chai 1/2
  Salt 1/2 Tea Spoon

6.Mayai 2
 Eggs 2

7.Maziwa ya Unga Vijiko 2
  Milk Powder 2

8.Ufuta Kijiko 1
  Sesame seeds 1 Tbsp 

9.Siagi Vijiko 2
   Butter 2 Tbsp

10.Unga wa Kusukumia 1/2 Kikombe
   Flour for rolling dough 1/2 Cup

1.Kwenye bakuli changanya unga,maziwa ya unga,sukari,chumvi na hamira
  In a big bowl add flour,milk powder,salt,sugar and yeast 

2.Tumia mwiko kuchanganya vizuri
  Mix all ingredients in a bowl with spartula

3.Ongeza yai moja,siagi na maziwa ya maji
  Add an egg,butter and milk 

4.Kanda unga mpaka uwe mlaini na unavutika
  Mix all and knead the dough till elastick

6.Ufunike uache uumuke vizuri
  Cover the bowl let it rise till double in size

7.Ukisha umuka toa kwenye bakuli ukande kidogo mpaka hewa yote itoke
  Fold the dough until all the air is removed

8.Kata kata donge lako kupata vipande vilivyo sawa na yafanye kuwa maduara
  Spilt the dough into equal pieces and form into round ball

9.Chukua unga mkavu sukuma madonge kwa urefu kisha yazungushe kuanzia ncha ya kwanza hadi ya mwisho
  Use the flour remain and sprinkle to the surface and flatten the balls into long dough then roll it starting from the first end to the last end

10.Rudia kwa madonge yote yalobakia
  Repeat till you finish all balls

11.Paka trei yako mafuta au siagi
  Grease the tray

12.Panga mikate yako
  Keep the bread into the tray 

13.Vunja yai lilobakia na pakaa mikate yako
  Break the egg remain and brush it on the surface of the bread

14.Nyunyizia ufuta mikate yako acha iumuke kwa dakika 20
  Sprinkle the sesame seeds and let them raise for 20 minutes

1.Washa Jiko la umeme moto wa juu na chini 180'C
  Heat the oven 180'C

2.Oka mikate kwa muda wa dakika 20 mpaka 30
  Bake them for 20 to 30 minutes 

3.Ikiiva itoe jikoni acha ipoe na itoe kwenye trei yake
  When they are ready remove them from the oven let them cool and unmold from the tray

4.Weka kwenye sahani paka siagi tayari kula na kinywaji upendacho 
  Apply butter after that they are ready to serve with any drinks

1.Hakikisha unakanda unga vizuri hadi uwe mlaini
  Make sure you knead the dough till soft

2.Hakikisha mikate inaumuka vizuri kabla kuioka
  The breads must be rise well enough before baking

Furahia Mikate Yako

Jumatano, 26 Oktoba 2016


1.Unga wa ngano nusu
Flour 1/2 Kg

2.Sukari Kikombe cha Rice Cooker 1
  Sugar 1 Cup of Rice Cooker

3.Hiliki punje 10
 10 pieces Cardamon
4.Samli ya Aseel kijiko 1 cha chakula
  1 Tbsp Aseel Ghee

6.Tui la nazi glasi ndogo 1
  1 Glass Coconut Milk

7.Hamira Pakti 1
  1 Packet Yeast

1.Chekecha unga kwa kutumia chungio kwenye chombo utacho kandia unga wako kisha punguza unga nusu kikombe weka pembeni.
    In a big bowl sift flour and remove a half cup of it and set aside

2.Chukua kikombe kingine weka hamira,sukari kijiko 1,unga kijiko 1 na tui vijiko 3 iache kwa dakika 3 mpaka ifure.
  In an empty cup add yeast,1 Tbsp of sugar,1 Tbsp flour and 3 Tbsp coconut milk and let it rise

3.Twanga hiliki baada ya kuzimenya kisha weka kwenye unga unaotaka kuukanda
 Grind peeled cardamon and add them into the bowl having flour

4.Chukua unga ulio uweka hiliki,weka sukari na samli kisha changanya kwa mkono vizuri.
   Add ghee and sugar into the flour and mix it well with your hand

5.Chukua hamira ilio umuka changanya kwa mkono vizuri na unga wako 
    Add raised ghee into the flour mixture and keep mixing 

6.Malizia kwa kumimina tui lako kidogo kidogo na uanze kuukanda utakapo kuwa donge moja.
    Finally pour coconut milk little by little into the flour mixture until you get a dough

7.Kanda unga kwa dakika 10 mpaka uwe mlaini kisha ufunike vizuri au uweke kwenye container na uufunike ili usipitishe hewa uache kwa dakika 5 kwenye sehemu ya joto.
   Knead the dough at least for 10 minutes until soft then cover it for 5minutes let it rise in double size 

8.Ukiumuka kata madonge na uyasukume kwa kutumia unga mkavu upate duara ila lisiwe nene sana wala jembamba sana,kisha kata maandazi yako kwa shape ya pembe tatu.
 Than cut into medium dough and roll it out to get a circle after sprinkle the flour on to the surface,then cut the circle into four rectangular pieces(maandazi) 

9.Weka unga mkavu kwenye tray na ueneze kisha panga maandazi unayotaka kuoka 
 Sprinkle the remained flour on the tray and add the maandazi into the tray
10.Yaache maandazi yako yaumuke kwa dakika zisizo pungua 20.
    Let them rise for 20 minutes

1.Washa Oven Moto wa juu na chini 140'C
  Heat the oven 140'C(Upper and Lower Heat) 

2.Pika Maandazi yako kwa muda wa dakika 20 tu
   Bake them for 20 minutes only

3.Yakianza Kupiga rangi ya dhahabu yatoe kama yanavyoonekana kwenye picha ya chini
    When turn into golden colour remove them into the oven as seen in the picture below

4.Acha yapoe kidogo toa weka kwenye sahani
   Let them cool and take them into the plate

5.Tayari kwa kula na Maharage,mboga,mchuzi,chai au kinywaji chochote 
    Ready to serve with Cooked Beans,Source,Tea or any other drinks


1.Hakikisha unga unaukanda vizuri hadi unakuwa mlaini ili maandazi yawe laini pia
   Make sure the dough is too soft to have soft andazi

2.Kama maandazi mengi hifadhi kwenye kontena ili mpaka siku ya pili yawe malaini
   You can keep cooked maandazi into tight container to remain soft for more than one day

3.Hakikisha yanaumuka vizuri kabla ya kuyaoka
   Let them rise well enough before baking them

4.Unaweza kuoka kwenye mkaa pia kama huna oven
   You can also bake them by using coal stove

5.Unaweza Kutumia samli yoyote kama huna ya Aseel au tumia siagi ukikosa samli
   You can use any type of ghee or butter instead of Aseel Ghee

6.Fuata maelezo na vipimo vizuri ili kupata maandazi mazuri kama yanavyoonekana kwenye picha
   Make sure you follow the exactly measurement,ingredients and instructions to get nice Andazi

Furahia Maandazi Makavu.

Jumamosi, 15 Oktoba 2016


Urojo ni mchanganyiko wa vyakula mbali mbali pamoja na uji uji wake katika bakuli moja.
Hapa nitaeleza jinsi ya kuupika huo uji(urojo) mpaka kukamilika kwake.
Asili ya urojo ni India ila kwa sasa nchi mbali mbali zina andaa upishi huu.
Na Zanzibar ni mlo unaopendwa na maarufu sana.Na hii ndio aina ya urojo unaopikwa Zanzibar.

Zanzibar Mix(Urojo) is the dessert prepared by mixing different foods(dessert) with sauce in a bowl.
Its origin is India but now many countries prepared by there own style.
Also in Zanzibar we have our own style on how to prepare Urojo.
I can help you on how to cook this dessert so follow my recipe as follow

Kwenye Urojo Tunaweka/Things added in Mix(Urojo)
1.Mbatata za Kuchemsha
  Boiled Potatoes

2.Mayai Ya Kuchemsha(Ukipenda)
   Boiled Eggs(Optional)




5.Chipsi Za Muhogo

   Cassava Chips







8.Na urojo wenyewe

   Urojo Sauce


  Chilli Sauce(Optional)

Baadhi ya vitu hapo juu nimeshavielezea kwenye blog yangu kwa hio nitaweka links za jinsi ya kuvipika hivyo vitu hapa nitaelezea jinsi ya kupika urojo tu

Badia na Chatne(Badia and Chatne)



Mishkaki(Meat Barbeque)

Chipsi Za Muhogo(Fried Cassava Chips)

Some of the dessert added in urojo have already explained in my blog on how to prepare them. So I will just keep the links on how to get those recipe.Here I will explain only on how to cook Urojo.


1.Unga wa Ngano Mug 1
  1 Mug Plain Flour

2.Ndimu zilokamuliwa 2
  Lemon Juice(2 Lemon)

3.Maji Lita 2
 2 Litre Water

4.Chumvi Kiasi
 Salt to taste

5.Bizari Kijiko cha chai 1
 1 Tea spoon Turmeric Powder


1.Weka unga kwenye bakuli kisha weka maji nusu lita pamoja na bizari
   In a bowl add flour,turmeric powder and half liter of water

2.Koroga hadi uhakikishe mabonge yote yameisha
   Stir the mixture until well combined

1.Mimina maji Yalobakia kwenye sufuria weka chumvi kiasi acha yachemke sana
   Pour the remaining water in the pot with salt and let it boil

2.Kisha mimina uji wenye bizari kwenye maji ya moto taratibu huku ukikoroga mpaka uchanganyike
    Add the turmeric mixture in the boiled and stir it throughly

3.Acha uchemke kidogo kisha mimina ndimu yako na ukoroge kidogo
    Let it boil for a minute than add the lemon juice and stir the mixture

4.Acha uchemke onja chumvi na ndimu kama zipo sawa epua
  Let it boil for some minutes than taste the salt if its okay remove from the heat

5.Ikiwa urojo ni mzito sana ongeza maji acha uchemke kidogo kisha uepue
  If urojo sauce is very heavy  add some water to lighten it

1.Kama urojo ukiwa mkali au una chumvi nyingi ongeza maji kidogo kidogo mpaka upungue ukali
  Add little water in the sauce if it salty or sour before you remove it from the heat

2.Hakikisha huuachi jikoni kwa muda mrefu mpaka ukaungua
 Make sure you do not let it burnt

3.Usiweke maji mengi ukawa mwepesi kupitiliza
  Do not add too much water the sauce will be too light 

Jinsi ya Kuuandaa/How to serve it

1.Menya Viazi Mbatata ulivyovichemsha kisha vipasue kati na vikate vipande vidogo vidogo
 Take a boiled potatoes and peeled them and cut them into  small pieces

2.Menya Mayai yaliochemshwa na yapasue kati na kata vipande vinne
  Peel the boilede eggs and slice into 4 pieces

3.Chukua Bakuli na kijiko
  Take a bowl and spoon

4.Weka vipande vya viazi ulivyovikata katika kibakuli chenye kijiko
  Add some pieces of boiled potatoes in a bowl having spoon

5.Weka na vipande vya mayai kwenye bakuli
    Add pieces of eggs 

6.Malizia kuweka kachori,badia,mishkaki,chipsi za muhogo na katlesi
   Then add badia,kachori,barbeque,cassava chips and cutlets

7.Kisha mimina urojo kiasi upendacho
   After that pour the urojo sauce in the bowl

8.Weka chatne na pilipili
  Lastly add chatne and chilli sauce

9.Upo tayari kuliwa wenyewe au na mkate upendao na kinywaji upendacho
  Ready to serve with bread,any drinks or as it is

Bakuli lenye urojo kama linavyoonekana
The bowl having Mix(Urojo) as seen after served
Furahia Urojo Wako

Alhamisi, 15 Septemba 2016


1.Tende 20
 20 Dates

2.Maziwa Glasi 1 na nusu
 1 and 1/2 Glass of Milk

3.Karanga zilosagwa robo kikombe
 Quater Cup of  Crushed Ground nuts 

4.Arki Pine Apple robo kifuniko cha chupa yake
 Pine Apple Essence 1/2 Cap(Caps of Pine Apple Essence Bottle)

5.Maji Ya Uvugu uvugu Kikombe Kidogo 1/2
  1/2 Small Cup of Warm Water

1.Toa kokwa(Mbegu) kwenye tende upate nyama ya tende tu
  Remove the hard pit from dates chop them coarsely

2.Weka kwenye jagi la blenda nyama za tende
 Add them to the jug of blender

3.Mimina maji kwenye blenda acha tende ziroane kwa dakika zipatazo 10
   Pour a cup of water into the blender's jug let the dates be soaked for atleast 10 minutes 

4.Weka maziwa kwenye friza hadi yafanye chenga chenga
  Refrigerate milk until frozen 

1.Saga Tende zako taratibu mpaka zisagike vizuri
 Blend the soaked dates well till you gets smooth puree

2.Mimina karanga kwenye jagi
 Add crushed ground nuts into the jug

3.Mimina maziwa kwenye jagi lenye tende
 Pour the frozen milk into the jug having date

4.Malizia kuweka arki
 And finally add pine apple essence

5.Saga Mchanganyiko wako taratibu mpaka usagike vizuri
 Blend the mixture well till gets smooth puree

6.Ikichanganyika vizuri mimina kwenye glasi tayari kwa kunywa
 When blended well pour into the glass ready to serve
7.Unaweza kuinywa yenyewe au na kitafunio chochote upendacho
 You can serve it with any bite you prefer or drink as it is

1.Usiache maziwa yakaganda hadi kuwa barafu ngumu yakifanya chenga tu inatosha kabisa 
 Do not let the milk frozen complete ,remove in the freezer once started to form the ice  

2.Hakikisha unaondoa kokwa(mbegu) za tende vizuri
 Make sure you remove carefully the hard pit in the dates

Furahia Milk Shake Yako.

Jumanne, 16 Agosti 2016


1.Siagi 250gm
 Margarine 250gm

2.Sukari Vikombe 2 vya Rice Cooker
   Sugar 2 Cups(Rice Cooker Cup)

3.Unga wa Ngano vikombe 5 vya Rice Cooker
  Plain Flour Cups(Rice Cooker Cup)

4.Jam Robo Kikombe Cha Chai
   Jam 1/4 Small Cup

5.Karanga(Njugu) Zilopikwa Kikombe kidogo Cha Chai 1
    Baked Groundnuts 1 Small Cup

6.Baking Powder kijiko cha Chakula 1
   Baking Powder 1 Tbsp

7.Arki Pine Apple Nusu Kifuniko 
 Pine Apple Essence 1/2 Cap(Caps of Pine Apple Essence Bottle)

8.Mayai 3
   Eggs 3

1.Toa karanga maganda na zisage kwa kutumia blenda ya vitu vikavu 
  Peel the Groundnuts and crush them by using food processor 

2.Katika bakuli weka siagi na sukari
  Mix butter and sugar in a bowl

3.Saga kwa dakika kadhaa mpaka ichanganyike 
  Use hand mixer to beat the mixture till mixed

4.Weka baking powder saga kwa dakika 1
 Add baking powder and keep mixing for 1 minutes

5.Weka arki endelea kusaga kwa dakika 1
  Add Pine Apple Essence and beat for another 1 minutes

6.Saga kwa dakika kadhaa mpaka ichanganyike vizuri na sukari ipotee
  Use hand mixer to beat the mixture until they are light and fluffy

7.Weka vijiko viwili vikubwa vya karanga zilizosagwa kwenye mchanganyiko wako kisha saga kidogo
  Add two table spoon of crushed groundnuts in the butter mixture and keep beating for 1 minutes 

8.Weka mayai mawili endelea kusaga kwa dakika moja 
  Add two eggs and keep beating the mixture

9.Kisha weka unga wa ngano uliochekechwa mpaka ushikane na kuwa donge laini ukishikana tu basi
 Add the sifted plain flour till you get a very soft dough

10.Chukua trea weka karatasi za kuokea au karatasi nyeupe yoyote
 In a baking tray add the baking paper

11.Kata donge dogo weka mkononi lifanye liwe na umbo la mpira
 Take small dough then shape the dough as a ball by using your hand

12.Kisha chini lifanye bapa na juu liwe duara vile vile
   Then flatten the ball at the bottom and at leave the upper side into a ball shape

13.Bonyeza kati kati ya kileja upate kishimo kidogo
 Press the center to get a small hole

14.Chukua jam weka kwenye kishimo
  Add the jam in the hole

15.Piga yai lako kisha vipakae vileja vyote vizuri
   Beat an egg and apply it on the upper side of your cookies

16.Chukua kileja weka mkononi kinyunyizie karanga zilosagwa
  Take a cookie and sprinkle the crushed ground nuts on top

17.Washa jiko la kuokea(Oven/Cooker) moto wa 170
 Pre heat or heat the Oven around 170'C

1.Weka Butter balls acha ziive kwa dakika 20 tu
 Bake the Butter Balls for 20 minutes only

2.Zitoe ndani ya jiko utaziona laini kidogo acha zipoe humo humo kwenye trei 
 Remove from the oven let them cool while they are in the tray

3.Acha zipoe kama dakika 5 mpaka 10 
 Let them cool for 5 to 10 minutes

4.Tayari kula na kinywaji upendacho au zenyewe
  You can serve with any drink you prefer

1.Hakikisha unasaga hadi sukari inapotea
  Make sure you beat the mixture till light and fluffy

2.Usitengeze pana sana kwani huumuka wakati wa kuzioka
 Make sure the cookies height is not wider since it raises during baking

3.Wacha nafasi baina ya butter balls moja na nyengine zikiwa jikoni hutanuka zikipata moto 
 Leave enough space between one Butter Balls and another in the baking tray because they expand when heated

4.Usifanye shimo kubwa la jam kila inapopata moto nalo huongezeka ukubwa
 Don't create a large hole at the center of Butter Balls it may increase in size when heated 

5.Kama jiko lako lina moto mkali basi hakikisha zikibadilika rangi na kuonekana ngumu kidogo zitoe
 If you can not control the temperature of the your oven remove the Butter Balls into the oven once you see the upper side turns into light golden brown colour

6.Usitoe kwenye trei kama hazijapoa zinaweza kuvunjika
 If they are not cool yet don't remove them from the baking tray they can break since they are not cool

7.Hakikisha hauzisagi karanga mpaka zikawa unga
  Do not crush(mush) the ground nuts until powdered

8.Hakikisha una paka yai vizuri ili karanga ziweze kuganda
  Make sure you apply the beaten egg well enough to let the ground nuts stay on the Butter balls

9.Unaweza kuweka zabibu nyeusi katikati badala ya jam
  You can keep black raisin at the center instead of jam

Furahia Butter Balls Zako.

Alhamisi, 11 Agosti 2016


1.Viazi Mbatata Nusu
 1/2 Kg Potatoes(Russets)

2.Unga wa Ngano Kikombe Kikubwa 1
 1 Mug Plain Flour

3.Mafuta Ya Kupikia Lita 1
  1 Litre Cooking Oil

4.Ndimu Kubwa 1
  1 Lemon

5.Pilipili za Kuwasha 2
 2 Red Chillies

6.Kitunguu Thomu Punje Kubwa 1
 1 Garlic Cloves

7.Chumvi Kiasi
 Salt to taste

8.Bizari Kijiko Cha Chai 1
 1 Tea Spoon Turmeric Powder 

9.Maji Kiasi

1.Menya Viazi Mbatata katakata vipande na uvioshe
  Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces and wash them well 

2.Weka kwenye sufuria na chumvi na maji kiasi
  Keep the pieces in another cooking pot with water and salt

3.Twanga pilipili,kitunguu thomu na chumvi
  Grind garlic cloves,chillies and salt

4.Changanya unga,binzari na chumvi kiduchu
 In a bowl add plain flour,a pinch of salt and turmeric

5.Weka maji kiasi kisha changanya kwa mkono
 Add some water and mix with your hand

6.Hakikisha unapata uji mzito mzito 
 Make sure you don,t add too much water in order to get heavy wet mixture 

7.Kamua ndimu na maji kiduchu weka pembeni
 Squeeze the lemon with little amount of water

8.Weka mafuta kwenye karai
 Pour the cooking oil into the frying pan

1.Vichemshe viazi vikiiva mwaga maji
  Bring to boil the pot having potatoes when they are done remove water from the pot

2.Virudishe jikoni kwa sekende kadhaa vikauke kabisa
 Take the pot back to the stove and let the potatoes to dry completely

3.Ponda viazi vyako hadi viwe unga
 Mash the potatoes till becomes powder

5.Weka pilipili ulioitwanga na ndimu kwenye viazi na vichanganye kwa mkono hadi vichanganyike
 Add the chilli mixture you grind before,lemon juice and mix with your hand till mixed

6.Chukua mchanganiko wako tengeneza umbo la duara ukubwa uupendao
 Take the mashed potatoes make small round balls like lemon in size or any size you prefer

7.Weka mafuta jikoni yapate moto sana
 Heat the oil to the maximum

8.Chovya maduara kwenye unga ulioweka binzari
 Put some balls into the wet flour mixture

9.Zungusha vizuri kisha tumbukiza kwenye mafuta ya moto
 Mix well make sure the balls are covered with flour mixture then add them into frying pan

10.Acha ijishike usiwe na haraka ya kuigeuza
 Let it rest for some minute before flip them 

11.Ikijishika igeuze upande wa pili
 When the cover seemed to be cooked well  flip the kachori

12.Ukiona gamba la nje linakuwa gumu zitoe
 If the outside cover becomes hard remove from the frying pan

13.Weka kwenye chujio zichuje mafuta
 Add the kachori into the sieve

14.Acha zipoe kidogo tayari kwa kula
 Let them dry and slightly cool then they are ready to serve

15.Unaweza kula zenyewe au na urojo,mkate,chatne n.k.
 You can serve with chatne,urojo,breads or as they are.

1.Tumia viazi vikavu vyeupe au vya brown ni rahisi kuviponda
 Make sure you use Russets potatoes or Yukon Gold Potatoes since they are can be mashed easily

2.Hakikisha viazi vimekauka vizuri kabla hujaviponda
 MAke sure the potatoes are well dried before you mash them

3.Mafuta lazima yapate moto vizuri laa sivyo zitavurugika ndani ya karai
 Do not fry the Kachori if the oil is not heated enough

4.Hakikisha kachori imezama kwenye mafuta kabisa
 Make sure you deep fry them otherwise may break during frying them

Furahia Kachori Zako

Jumatano, 10 Agosti 2016


1.Pweza nusu kilo
 1/2 Kg Octopus

2.Tui Jepesi Kikombe Kikubwa 1
 1 Mug Light Coconut Milk

3.Tui Zito Kikombe Cha Chai 1
 1 Cup Heavy Coconut Milk

4.Nyanya za Mchuzi(Tungule) kubwa 3
 3 Medium Size Tomato

5.Kitunguu maji Kikubwa kiasi 1
 1 Medium Size Onion

6.Kitunguu thomu Punje 2 Kubwa
 2 Garlic Cloves

7.Tangawizi Kipande Kidogo 1
 1 Small Piece Ginger

8.Keroti Kubwa Kiasi 1
 1 Medium Size Carrot

9.Pilipili Boga Kubwa Kiasi 1
 1 Medium Size Green Pepper

10.Pilipili Ya Kuwasha 1
 1 Chilli

11.Chumvi Kiasi
 Salt to taste

12.Royco Kijiko Cha Chakula 1(Sio Lazima)
 1 Tbsp Royco(Optional)

13.Bamia 5
 5 Ladies Finger

14.Nyanya ya Paketi(Tomato Paste) Kijiko Cha chakula 1
 1 Tbsp Tomato Paste

15.Ndimu ilokamuliwa 1
 1 Squeezed Lemon

16.Maji Kiasi
 Some Water

1.Osha Viungo vyote vizuri
 Rinse well all ingredients with clean water

2.Kwenye jagi la blenda weka Nyanya ulizozikata,Pilipili boga,tangawizi,kitunguu thomu,kitunguu maji
 Chop the tomato,onion,green pepper,garlic cloves,ginger then add into the jug of blender

3.Saga mchanganyiko mpaka uwe usagike
  Blend the mixture untill mixed

4.Kata keroti katika umbo la duara weka pembeni
  Chop the carrot into the circular shape

5.Osha na msafishe pweza vizuri
   Rinse and clean the octopus well 

6.Mkate kate weka kwenye sufuria
 Cut the octopus into the pieces you prefer

7.Kata ncha za bamia kisha likate bamia katikati upate vipande viwili utapata vipande kumi kwa mabamia 5
 Cut the ends of ladies finger and then cut it into halves so as finally you get 10 pieces from 5 ladies finger

1.Weka sufuria ya pweza jikoni usiweke maji wala chumvi acha achemke kwanza
  In a pot add the octopus pieces let it boil without salt or water for some seconds

2.Utaona anakuwa mwekundu ongeza maji aive mpaka awe mlaini
 When it turns to red add some water keep boiling till tender

3.Akiiva mimina mchanganyiko wa nyanya kwenye pweza
 When it done add the tomato mixture

4.Acha ichemke kisha ongeza chumvi na ndimu
Let it boil and add salt into the mixture

5.Koroga na weka keroti,bamia na nyanya ya paketi na ukoroge
 Add carrots pieces,ladies finger and tomato paste then stir the mixture

6.Mimina royco na ukoroge acha uchemke kidogo
 Add royco and stir the mixture

7.Weka tui jepesi na pilipili ikiwa nzima acha lichemke mpaka lipungue usikoroge
 Add chilli then pour light coconut milk let it boil till the level of the sauce is little reduce but don't stir it any more

8.Kisha mimina tui zito acha lichemke mpaka lipungue na kuwa zito zito
 Pour the heavy coconut milk until the sauce becomes heavy

9.Epua acha upoe kidogo
 Let it slightly cool

10.Unaweza kula na wali,ugali au mkate upendao.
 You can serve with rice,ugali or breads

1.Usiweke maji mengi wakati wa kusaga mchanganyiko wa Nyanya na viungo vyengine
 Do not add too much water when you blend the tomato with other ingredients

2.Ukisha kuweka Tui usikoroge mpaka mchuzi uwive
 Do not stir the mixture once you add coconut milk

3.Usimuweke Chumvi wakati wa kuchemsha huwenda akawa na chumvi nyingi kwasababu pweza ana chumvi yake mwenyewe
 Do not add salt when you boil the octopus it may result the sauce to be too salty since the octopus has salt in it

Furahia Mchuzi Wa Pweza.

Ijumaa, 5 Agosti 2016


1.Mchele wa Basmat Kilo
 1 Kg Basmat Rice

2.Nyama ya Ngombe Kilo 1 na Nusu(Stake)
 1 1/2 Kg Cow Fillet

3.Vitunguu Maji Nusu Kilo
 1/2 Kg Onion

4.Vitunguu thomu Vijiko vya Chakula 2
 2 Tbsp Mashed Garlic Cloves

5.Tangawizi Kijiko cha chakula 1
 1 Tbsp Mashed Ginger 

6.Chumvi kiasi
 Salt To Taste

7.Mafuta Ya Kupikia Lita 1
 1 Litre Cooking Oil

8.Viazi Mbatata Vikubwa Kidogo Nusu
 1/2 Kg Potatoes(Medium in size)

9.Mtindi Glasi 1
 1 Glass Yogurt

10.Kotmiri Fungu 1
 1 Batch Coriander

11.Nyanya za Mchuzi(Tungule) kubwa kidogo 10
 10 Medium size Tomato

12.Nyanya ya Paket (Tomato Paste)2
 2 Packet Tomato Paste

13.Rangi ya Zafarani(Orange) kijiko cha chai 1
 1 Tea Spoon Saffron

14.Rangi Nyekundu ya Unga  Kiduchu
 A pinch of Red colour(powder)

15.Zabibu Nusu Kikombe
 1/2 Cup Raisin

16.Biriani Masala Kiasi
  Some spoons of Biriani Masala

17.Kerot kubwa 1
 1 Large Carrot

18.Pilipili Boga kubwa 1
 1 Large Green Pepper

19.Sukari Kiduchu
 A pinch of Sugar

20.Maji kiasi
 Some water

21.Njegere Kikombe Cha Chai 1(Ukipenda)
 1 Cup Green Peas

22.Ndimu iliokamuliwa 1
 1 Lemon Squeezed 

1.Menya Vitunguu Maji na uvioshe
 Peel the Onion and rinse them

2.Kata kata vitunguu maji kwa umbo la duara weka pembeni
 Chop the onion in circular shape and keep them aside

3.Menya Viazi Mbata ,vioshe na weka pembeni
 Peel the Potatoes rinse them and keep in the bowl

4.Osha kotmiri hakikisha haibaki na michanga
 Rinse the coriander well to remove all dirty particles in it

5.Osha nyanya zikate kate weka kwenye jug la blenda pamoja na kotmiri kisha zisage
 Rinse the tomato,chop them and blend them with coriander

6.Para kerot weka pembeni
 Grate the carrots keep aside

7.Kata kata pilipili boga weka pembeni
 Chop the Green Pepper

8.Chukua kikombe weka rangi ya zafarani na maji kiduchu kisha ikoroge
 In a cup add saffron add some drops of water and mix it

9.Weka rangi ulioiweka maji kwenye viazi mbatata usiiweke yote ibakishe
 Put some drops of saffron colour not all of it in the peeled potatoes 

10.Zichanganye vizuri mbatata ili zienee rangi
 Flip the potatoes to make sure they are covered well with orange colour

11.Kata kata nyama ioshe weka kwenye sufuria
 Chop the fillet into medium pieces

12.Osha mchele vizuri mwaga maji acha kwenye bakuli
 Rinse well the basmat rice and drain it

13.Chukua kikombe kingine weka rangi nyekundu na maji kiduchu
 In a separate cup add red colour add some drops of water and mix it

1.Katika sufuria yenye nyama weka chumvi kiasi,tangawizi na vitunguu thomu kijiko kimoja
 In a pan add chopped fillet ,salt,ginger and 1 table spoon of garlic

2.Chemsha nyama hadi iive
 Bring it to boil till cooked well

3.Weka sufuria nyengine weka maji na chumvi acha yachemke
 In a separate bowl add some water and salt let it boil

4.Yakiwa tayari mimina mchele na njegere acha viive kidogo mchele usiive kabisa kabisa uwe na kiini
 When water comes to boil add rice,green peas let them cooked,but the basmat rice should not cooked till soft

5.Ukiwa tayari umwage maji uache kwenye chujio
 Drain it and leave it to the colander

6.Weka mafuta kwenye karai acha yapate moto
 Pour some oil in a frying pan

7.Kisha kaanga Vitunguu maji mpaka viwe rangi ya dhahabu hakikisha haviungui
 Add the chopped onion and fry them until golden brown

8.Vikiiva vitoe acha vichuje mafuta
 When they are done remove from the pan to the colander

9.Weka Viazi mbatata kwenye karai vipike hadi viwe rangi ya dhahabu bia
 Add potatoes and fry them until golden brown

10.Vikiiva toa na mimina mafuta pembeni bakisha mafuta kidogo kwa ajili ya kukaangia
 Remove from the frying pan to the colander(sieve),take some spoons of oil you used for frying potatoes into cooking pot

11.Kisha weka vitunguu thomu vilivyobakia kaanga kidogo
 Add 1 table spoon of garlic remained into the pot having oil and fry it

12.Mimina Nyanya iliosagwa na kotmiri
 Pour the mixture of blended tomato into the pot and keep frying for some seconds

13.Weka chumvi kiasi kisha weka viazi mbatata
 Add salt then add potatoes

14.Funika acha vichemke kwa dakika 1 kisha weka nyama
 Cover the pot for 1 minutes then add boiled fillet

15.Koroga kidogo kisha weka Nyanya ya paket na sukari
 Use a spatula to stir the mixture then add tomato paste

16.Koroga vizuri na uache kidogo kisha weka Biriani Masala
 Keep stirring well then add Biriani Masala

17.Koroga kisha onja na weka ndimu
 Add lemon juice and keep stirring the mixture

18.Mimina mtindi acha kwa dakika 1 uchemke
 Pour yogurt and leave for a minute let it boil

19.Malizia kuweka vitunguu maji viliokaangwa
 Finally add the fried onion in the mixture

20.Koroga ukiona unakuwa mzito epua weka pembeni
 Keep stirring leave for some second when it started to be heavy sauce remove from the stove 

21.Chukua sufuria nyengine kubwa kiasi mimina lile rosti
 Take large cooking pot pour the sauce 

22.Kisha juu yake mimina wali na zabibu
 Add rice and raisin on top of the source

21.Juu ya wali nyunyizia rangi ya zafarani iliobaki
 On top of rice add some drops of remained saffron

22.Kisha Nyunyizia rangi nyekundu
 Then add the drops of red colour on top of rice

23.Malizia kwa kunyunyizia mafuta kidogo juu ya wali
 Lastly pour some drops of oil on top of rice

24.Ufunike weka mkaa wa moto juu ya wali ukauke vizuri na chini moto mdogo mdogo
 Cover the pot and some charcoal on top.If you don't have put the pan into the oven so can be cook evenly

24.Baada ya dakika kadhaa Biriani lipo tayari
 After some minutes the Biriani is ready

25.Chukua bakuli kubwa Anza kutoa wali wote kisha uchanganye kwa kutumia mwiko
 Take big bowl with spatula then remove the all rice from the pot

26.Kisha changanya rosti lako vizuri
 Then stir the sauce remained into the pot

27.Chukua Sahani Pakua wali kisha rosti juu Biriani tayari kuliwa
 Take a spatula and add rice into the plate and sauce on top of rice

28.Unaweza Kula na Kinywaji Upendacho
 You can serve with a drinks of your choice

1.Lazima utumie Mchele wa Basmati ili kupata Ladha na Muonekano mzuri
  You must Use Basmat Rice for better result and taste

2.Ukichemsha Mchele hadi ukaiva biriani lako halitonyooka mchele utakuwa bwabwa
 Do not over boil the Basmat rice

3.Mafuta ya vitunguu yakiwa hayajapata moto vizuri vitunguu vitanyonya mafuta
 Do not add onions if the oil is not heated well

4.Vitunguu Vikiungua Biriani litakuwa chungu
 Do not burn the onion it will result the sauce to have bitter taste

5.Ukiweka moto wa chini mwingi wakati wa kulikausha biriani rosti litakauka na mchuzi kuwa mdogo
 Make sure the lower heat is not high it will dry the sauce in the oven

6.Usikaushe wali sana unakuwa mkavu wakati wa kuupakua
 Do not dry the rice for a long time into the oven when its ready remove it

7.Usiweke mafuta mengi wakati wa kukaanga mchuzi na juu ya wali hupelekea chakula kuwa na mafuta mengi sana
 Do not add too much oil it during frying and on top of rice.

8.Kama hupendi pilipili usiweke Biriani Masala nyingi
 Do not add too much Biriani Masala the food will be too chilli
Biriani baada ya kupakuliwa
The served Biriani in the plate

Furahia Biriani Lako.

Alhamisi, 4 Agosti 2016


1.Siagi 250gm
 Butter 250gm

2.Samli 250gm
  Ghee 250gm

3.Sukari Vikombe 2 na nusu
   Sugar 2 1/2 Cups

4.Unga wa Ngano vikombe 10 vilivyojaa
  Plain Flour 10 Cups(Full)

5.Unga wa Semolina vikombe 2 na nusu
  Semolina Flour 2 1/2 Cups

6.Rangi nyekundu kiduchu
  A pinch of Red Colour(Powder)

7.Arki Vanilla vifuniko 2
 Vanilla Essence 2 Caps(Caps of Vanilla Bottle)

8.Baking Powder kijiko cha chai 1
   Baking Powder 1 Tea Spoon

1.Katika bakuli weka samli,siagi pamoja na sukari
  Mix butter,ghee and sugar in a bowl

2.Saga kwa dakika 4 tu mpaka ichanganyike
  Use hand mixer to beat the mixture for 4 minutes only

3.Weka baking powder saga kwa dakika 1
 Add baking powder and keep mixing for 1 minutes

4.Weka vanilla endelea kusaga kwa dakika 1
  Add Vanilla and beat for another 1 minutes

5.Anza kuweka unga wa semolina kisha saga kwa dakika 2 tu
 Add semolina flour then keep beating for 2 minutes

6.Kisha weka unga wa ngano uliochekechwa mpaka ushikane na kuwa donge laini ukishikana tu basi
 Add the sifted plain flour till you get a very soft dough

7.Chukua trea weka karatasi za kuokea au karatasi nyeupe yoyote
 In a baking tray add the baking paper

8.Kata donge dogo weka mkononi fanya upate hilo umbo la duara
  Cut the dough into small dough then make it a circular by using your hand

9.Endelea kutengeza na kisha ziweke kwenye trei
 When you are done keep the cookies in the tray

10.Weka rangi kwenye kikombe tia maji kiduchu changanya na kijiti
 In a cup add the powdered food colour with water and stir it by using a stick 

11.Kisha chukua tone moja la rangi weka kati kati ya nangatai
   With a stick take a drop of the colour mixture and keep at the center of your cookies

12.Washa jiko la kuokea(Oven/Cooker) moto wa 150
 Pre heat or heat the Oven around 150'C

1.Weka nangatai acha ziive kwa dakika 30 tu
 Bake the Nangatai for 30 minutes only

2.Zitoe ndani ya jiko utaziona laini acha zipoe humo humo kwenye trei 
 Remove from the oven let them cool while they are in the tray

3.Acha zipoe kama dakika 5 mpaka 10 
 Let them cool for 5 to 10 minutes

4.Tayari kula na kinywaji upendacho au zenyewe
  You can serve with any drink you prefer
Nimetumia kikopo cha gram 100 cha Blue Band kupimia kila kitu
I use this cup for all measurements 

1.Usisage sana kama keki fata maelezo nilio yatoa vizuri
  Dont over beat the mixture follow well the instructions i provided

2.Usitengeze pana sana kwani huumuka wakati wa kuzioka
 Make sure the cookies height is not wider since it raises during baking

3.Wacha nafasi baina ya nangatai moja na nyengine zikiwa jikoni hutanuka zikipata moto 
 Leave enough space between one Nangatai and another in the baking tray because they expand when heated

4.Usiweke matone mengi ya rangi kila inapopata moto nalo huongezeka ukubwa
 Don't keep more than one drop at the center of nangatai because the dot size is increasing when heated 

5.Kama jiko lako lina moto mkali basi hakikisha zikibadilika rangi tu uzitoe
 If you can not control the temperature of the your oven remove the nangatai into the oven once they starts to turn into light golden brown colour

6.Usitoe kwenye trei kama hazijapoa zinaweza kuvunjika
 If they are not cool yet don't remove them from the baking tray they can break since they are not cool

Furahia Nangatai Zako.

Jumatatu, 1 Agosti 2016


1.Unga wa Ngano 400gm
 400gm Plain Flour 

2.Chumvi  Kijiko Cha Chakula 1/2
 1/2 Tbsp Salt

3.Hamira Kijiko Cha Chakula 1 1/2
1 1/2  Tbsp Yeast

4.Maziwa Kikombe kidogo Cha Chai 1
 1 Small Cup Milk

5.Sukari  Kijiko Cha Chai 1/2
 1/2 Tea spoon Sugar

6.Siagi Vijiko Vya Chakula 2
  2 Tbsp Butter

7.Kiini cha Yai 1
 1 Egg Yolk

8.Unga wa ngano nusu kikombe kwa ajili ya kusukumia
 1/2 Cup Flour for rolling out the dough

1.Samaki Nguru Kipande kikubwa 1
 1 Large Piece King Fish

2.Pilipili Boga(Pilipili Hoho) 1
 1 Green Pepper

3.Keroti 1
 1 Carrot

4.Chumvi  Kijiko Cha Chakula 1
 1  Tbsp Salt

5.Ndimu zilokamuliwa 2
  Lemon juice(2 Lemon)

6.Fish Masala Kijiko Cha Chakula 1
 1 Tbsp Fish Masala

7.Pilipili Manga Kiduchu ya unga
  A pinch of Black Pepper powder

8.Kitunguu thomu punje kubwa 1
 1 Cloces of Garlic

9.Pilipili ya kuwasha 1
 1 Red Chilli

10.Uzile(Binzari Nyembamba) ya unga Kijiko Cha Chakula 1
 1 Tbsp Cumin Powder

1.Osha kipande cha samaki weka kwenye sufuria
 Rinse well the piece of fish and keep it in the pan

2.Twanga Pilipili na kitunguu thomu
 Grind the mixture of red chilli and garlic

3.Para keroti kwenye kibakuli
 Grate a carrot in a separate bowl and keep it a side

4.Katakata pilipili hoho ndogo ndogo
 Chop the green pepper  in a separate bowl and keep it a side

1.Kwenye Kikombe kitupu changanya Hamira,sukari,unga kijiko 1 na maziwa vijiko 3 acha iumuke
 In an empty cup add yeast,sugar,1 Tbsp flour and 3 Tbsp milk and let it rise

2.Kwenye bakuli weka unga chumvi na siagi changanya kwa mkono hadi ichanganyike
 In a separate bowl add flour and butter then use your hand to mix them well

3.Kisha mimina hamira ilioumuka changanya vizuri
 Pour the raised yeast and keep mixing

4.Mimina maziwa kidogo kidogo mpaka upate donge moja
 Pour the milk little by little to get a dough

5.Kanda unga hadi uwe mlainii
 Knead the dough till soft

6.Acha uumuke kwenye sehemu ya joto kiasi dakika 40
 Leave it for 40 minutes to rise until double or triple in size

7.Ukiumuka kata madonge 5
 Then cut into 5 dough

8.Kisha fuata hatua nilizozieleza kwa picha hapo chini
 Then follow the below procedures

9.Chovya donge lako kwenye unga mkavu na usukume kwa urefu sio duara kama picha inavyoonekana
 Take a dough into plain flour  and roll out to get a dough of long shape not circular one as shown at the image above 

10.Kisha kunja donge lako kutoka ncha ya mwisho kueleka mwanzoni
 Roll the first end towards the last ends

11.Utapata umbo la urefu kama hivyo
 You will have this shape

12.Uvute nchani ili likae sawa kama hivyo
 Pull each ends to get clear rope shape

13.Chukua kisu chana karibia na nchani mpaka mwisho wa upande wa pili kama linavyo onekana
 Use a knife to slice the dough starting nearly to the first end points

14.Kunja upande mmoja kuelekea kati
Bring each ends to the center

15.Malizia upande wa pili kupata umbo la kopa
Bring the other ends to get that heart shape

16.Chota samaki weka katikati ya kopa lako.Jinsi ya kutengeneza samaki nimeelezea chini hapo
 Take the fish mixture by using spooon and add the mixture to the center of the heart.I hace explained on how to make fish mixture in cooking part

17.Weka kwenye trei acha yaumuke kwa dakika 10
 Put them into the baking tray and let them rise for 10 minutes

18.Piga kiini cha yai kisha yapake
 Beat the egg yolk and apply on top of the buns

1.Weka ndimu na chumvi kwenye samaki
 Add salt and lemon juice into the pan having fish

2.Mchemshe hadi aive abakie na vimaji kiduchu sana
 Bring to boil but don't let it dry ,has to be moist

3.Muepue acha apoe kisha mtoe miba
 Remove from the stove and let it cool

4.Weka Pilipili na kitunguu ulivyo vitwanga
 Add the mixture of garlic

5.Weka na keroti na Pilipili boga kisha changanya vizuri
 Add the carrots and green pepper

6.Malizia kuweka Uzile,pilipili manga na fish masala
 Then add cumin powder,black pepper and fish masala

7.Endelea kumchanganya vizuri weka pembeni
 Mix the mixture very well and keep it aside

8.Onja chumvi kama ipo sawa endelea na hatua nyengine
 Check the salt you can add if it is not enough

1.Oka kwa moto wa 150 kwa dakika 30 mpaka 40
 Bake the buns for 30 to 40 minutes

2.Yakiiva acha yapoe na yapoe weka kwenye sahani
 When they are done let them cool and add to the plate

3.Unaweza kula na Chai,juice au kinywaji upendacho
 You can serve with juice or any drinks

1.Unaweza kuweka nyama,mbogamboga au hata mitupu bila ya samaki,nyama au mboga mboga
 You can add minced meat or vegetable or nothing on top instead of fish

2.Ikiwa hujaweka chochote ifanye ya sukari badala ya chumvi
 If you add nothing on top it is preferable to use sugar during preparation to have sugar taste

3.Hakikisha unga umekandwa hadi kuwa mlaini kabisa
 Knead the dough till completely soft

4.Usiipike sana inakuwa migumu ikisha kupiga rangi ya dhahabu itoe
 Don't over cook them when they turn into golden colour remove from the oven

5.Usiache ikaumuka kupitiliza baada ya kuweka samaki hupelekea kupoteza umbo lake
 Do not let double or triple raised after you add fish on top

Furahia Mikate Ya Kopa.