1.Kunde za bagia(kunde za kuparaza) robo kilo
1/4Kg Black Eyed Peas
2.Mafuta ya kupikia nusu lita
1/2 litre Sunflower Oil
3.Vitunguu maji vidogo 4
4 small size Onion
4.Kitunguu thomu punje kubwa 10
10 Cloves of Garlic
5.Kotmiri kiasi
Coriander to taste
6.Chumvi kiasi
Salte to taste
7.Pilipili Boga(Pilipili hoho) 1
1 Green Pepper
8.Maji kiasi
Some Water
1.Nazi ndogo 1
1 Fresh Coconut
2.Pilipili 1
1 Chilli
3.Ndimu 1
1 Lemon
4.Karoti ilokatwa 1
1 Chopped Carrot
5.Pilipili boga(Pilipilihoho) lilokatwa 1
1 Chopped Green Pepper
Salte to taste
Some Water

1.Weka kunde kwenye ungo kisha zipete kuondoa uchafu
Take Black Eyed peas in a big plate and remove all unwanted particle
2.Loweka kunde zako kwa zaidi ya masaa 3
Then soak them into bowl for more than 3 hours
3.Kisha mwaga maji yote weka mengine
Then pour down the water used to soak the peas and add another water for washing them
4.Anza kuzisafisha kunde zako mpaka zitoke maganda na vimawe vyote mpaka visafike
After that wash them to remove skin and dirty particles and stones until they are well cleaned
5.Menya Kitunguu Maji,Kitunguu Thomu Na Pilipili Boga
Peel The Onion,Green Pepper And Garlic Cloves
6.Kata vitunguu maji,pilipili boga,kitunguu thomu na kotmiri
Chopped Onion,Green Pepper,cloves of garlic,coriander and add into black peas
7.Saga kwenye blenda kunde zako kisha weka chumvi na uzichanganye.
Add into food processor and blend them
8.Mimina Mchanganyiko wako weka kwenye bakuli
After blend add the mixture into bowl
9.Weka chumvi na uchanganye vizuri
Add salt and mix well
1.Weka mafuta kwenye karai hakikisha yanapata moto kiasi
Pour oil into pan heat to the medium
2.Anza kuchoma bagia kwa umbo upendalo.
Deep frying the badia to any shape you prefer
3.Zikibadilika kuwa nyekundu geuza upande wa pili
Flipping the badia if the lower side turn into red
4.Ziache ziive upande wa pili vizuri
Let the other side cook evenly
5.Zitoe na uziweke kwenye chujio au tissue zichuje mafuta
Take them out when they are ready add them into the sieve or tissue
6.Zikipoa kula na chatne
Let them cool serve with chatne
1.Kuna nazi kwenye bakuli
Grate the fresh coconut and add into bowl
2.Weka chumvi,karoti,pilipili hoho na pilipili kwenye bakuli la nazi
Then add salt,carrot,green pepper and chilli into bowl having grated coconut meat
3.Weka mchanganyiko wako kwenye blenda na ukamulie ndimu
Add the mixture into the jug and add the lemon juice
4.Weka maji kiasi
Add little water into the jug
5.Saga chatne yako mpaka iwe laini na nzito
Blend the mixture till soft and heavy
6.Chatne ipo tayari kula na Bagia,Katlesi.Kababu,Urojo,Chipsi za muhogo n.k.
Chatne is ready to serve with Badia,Keba,Cutlets etc.
1.Unaweza kuweka Baking powder ukipenda kwenye kunde zako wakati wa kuzipika
You can add baking powder if you want when you want to fry them
2.Usiweke maji mengi kwenye chatne hakikisha inakuwa nzito nzito
Don't add too much water into the chatne
3.Vizuri utumie food processor kwa sababu utasaga bila ya kuweka maji
Better to use food processor because you can blend the black eyed peas without adding some water
4.Ukisaga kwenye blenda weka maji kidogo kidogo mpaka zisagike
If you blend Black eyed peas add little water till blended
5.Ukisaga kwa food processor unaweza kuweka maji kiduchu sana ukipenda
If you blend them in food processor you can add little water if you prefer into the black eyed peas mixture
Furahia Bagia/Badia Zako.
Chapisha Maoni