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Jumanne, 26 Januari 2016



1.Siagi robo
  1/4 kg Butter(Margarine)

2.Nyama ya kusaga robo
 1/4 Ground Beef

3.Unga wa ngano Nusu
 1/2 kg Flour

4.Mayai 3
 3 Eggs

5.Chumvi vijiko 2
 2 Tbsp  of salt

6.Karoti 1
 1 Carrot

7.Pilipili boga 1
 1 Green pepper

8.Kitunguu thomu punje 3
  3 garlic cloves

9.Pilipili ya kuwasha 1
 1 Red Chill

10.Tangawizi kipande
 1/2 piece of ginger

11.Ndimu ndogo 1
 1 Lemon

12.Baking Powder kijiko 1
 1 Tbsp of Baking powder


1.Twanga tangawizi,kitunguu thomu, na chumvi kijiko 1
  Take ginger mix with garlic and salt and grind them together

2.Weka nyama kwenye sufuria kisha weka viungo ulivyo vitwanga
 Put ground beef in a pot and mix with mixture you get in step number 1

3.Weka blue band kwenye chombo na chumvi kijiko 1 na uisage kwa mkono kwa kutumia mwiko au hand mixer kidogo
 Mix butter with 1 Tbsp of salt and mix them with hand or stand mixer

4.Weka baking powder na yai moja kisha ichanganye vizuri
 Add baking powder and 1 egg then keep mixing for 3 minutes tilll mixed well

5.Chunga unga kisha weka kidogo kidogo mpaka ufanyike donge moja usiweke unga wote
 Sift the flour and add in the butter till you get fine dough

6.Vunja mayai weka kwenye kibakuli yapige pige kisha yafunike weka pembeni
  Beat the remain eggs in a bowl and cover them for further uses

7.Osha karoti na pilipili boga
 Wash well the Carrot and Green pepper

8.Karoti ipare na pilipili boga ikate vipande vidogo kiasi
 Grate the carrot and cut the green pepper in small pieces


1.Kamulia ndimu nyama  acha ichemke mpaka iwive
  Add lemon juice in a pot of ground beef till become brown

2.Twanga pilipili weka kwenye nyama kisha weka karoti na pilipili boga changanya vizuri na uonje chumvi
 Grind Red chill add in the beef after taking it off the heat

3.Chukua donge lako la unga sukuma kwenye kibao au meza
  Take a dough and use the rolling pin to roll over the dough  

4.Sukuma unga uwe kama shape ya chapati ila isiwe nyembamba kama chapati wala isiwe nene sana
 Roll over the dough to get big circle of medium size

5.Chukua kisu pasua ukate kate maduara ya umbo la oval yaani duara ambalo pana kidogo ila refu kiasi au tumia meat-roll maker kupata umbo zuri zaidi
  Use a knife and cut the dough to get many pieces having oval in shape

6.Kisha chukua kijiko chota nyama yako weka katikati ya kila duara
 Then take the ground beef mixture and place at a middle of your oval shape dough
7.Chukua ncha moja ya duara funika mpaka kwenye ncha ya pili yaani nyama iwe katikati isionekane
 Cover the ground beef by taking one end of dough to other end

8.Chukua uma kisha bana pembeni kuifunga meat-roll yako ili nyama isitoke rudia kwa meat-roll 
zote mpaka umalize
 Use the fork to bind the edge of a dough so as to let the mixture of ground beef to be inside the dough

9.Panga kwenye tray kwa ajili ya kuweka katika oven
 Keep the meat-roll in a tray

10.Kisha paka mayai yale uliyo yavunja juu ya meat-roll zako zote
 Take the bitten eggs with a brush and brush the meat-roll

11.Choma kwa moto wa 100-150'C kwenye cooker kwa dakika 10-15
 Cook them by using 100'-150'C in an Oven for 10-15 minutes

12.Zikiwa za rangi ya brown epua subiri zipoe
 Cook them until become brown

13.Unaweza kula na kinywaji upendacho 
 You can serve with any drinks

1.Hakikisha unaweka unga taratibu kuepuka done kuwa gumu sana 
 Becareful in adding the flour so as to avoid the hard dough

2.Onja nyama yako kabla kuweka kwenye unga ili kama kuna kitu hakijakolea vizuri uongeze
 Make sure the mixture of ground beef has nice taste before place in a dough

3.Kama jiko lako lina moto mkali kuwa makini kwa kuangalia mara kwa mara ili zisiungue
 If your Oven has high heat make sure you cook them below 100-150'C

Furahia Meat-Roll Zako

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni